Elevate Patient Outcomes With Precision Foot Care

Experience the transformation ASB Technique™ brings to your practice and elevate the level of painless precision foot care. This innovative technique aims to achieve remarkable patient outcomes and offers you an enriching and fulfilling skill set. Check out The Art & Science of Burring videos for more details. 

A person in blue gloves is cutting something

Essential Insights

"Do what you love, love what you do." Acquire the most fulfilling and rewarding skill set.

Join us for a transformative burring experience. Learn The ASB (Art & Science of Burring) Technique™ from the leading expert!

  • Mechanical nail debridement through burring, stands as the paramount standard of care for Onychomycosis treatment.
  • Debulk the nail for enhanced absorption of topical treatments and antifungal solutions.
  • Combine debridement with topical antifungal solutions for a 77% higher Mycotic cure rate!
  • For diabetics, toenail debridement and Mycotic nail debridement play a crucial role in preventing amputation.
  • Effectively address and treat ingrown toenails using specialized burs with precision application.

Ready to start refining your burring techniques?

Contact us today to discuss how we can enhance your practice and achieve remarkably precise patient outcome together.

Transformative Workshops